This page will help you to understand principles of Fleet Server API


This section contains APIs as webhooks from Gett to the partner server

Ride Exchange sends requests to Fleet endpoints about following actions:

  • Quotes โ€“ preliminary information request about fleet availability
  • Order request (current/future) โ€“ an offer of a new job for a partner.
  • Order update โ€“ an update order data or a cancellation request
  • Driver photo โ€“ a call to receive driver photo after job confirmation by fleet

Fleet endpoint

Fleet needs to provide Gett an endpoint to receive incoming requests.
Contact Gett to submit one.

{fleet endpoint}/api/v1/ride_exchange/{unique_request_path}

Each of Fleet Server API requests will be sent to unique endpoint path on fleet side in the following format:


Each Ride Exchange API call will be sent from static IP address.
Contact Gett if you require if you would like to whitelist the IP address.


Ride Exchange awaits Fleet to confirm successful delivery by HTTP 200 response.



Ride Exchange API is asynchronous and doesn't expect Fleet to perform any complex internal processes at request delivery.
Fleet needs to confirm received request with HTTP response. Performed action acknowledgement needs to be submitting via Fleet Client API.

Errors handling
If Ride Exchange receives any HTTP 4XX response, it expects error explanation to be provided in the response body.

Desired structure of error response body:

    "error": "{explanation}"

If Ride Exchange receives HTTP 500 response, it will perform 4 retries with 5 seconds interval.

Network issues
With any network issue (timeout/handshake problem) Ride Exchange will perforn 4 retries with 5 seconds interval.